Thursday, January 7, 2010


Agent Sparrow,

I find it amusing that you would request such a specific way of communication. The point of a blog is for an individual to express his opinions to the masses invading the interwebs. You would turn that idea on its head for the sole purpose of personal enjoyment? I find this weird. Very weird. Almost as weird as yourself, though not quite. It's not that weird. It may come as a surprise to you, and it certainly is strange for me to say it, but you are my Number 1 Agent. Of course, you are my only agent in the field so the competition is limited, as it were. I do, however, have a long list of agents in reserve duty available on call should you have issues... (like those nasty "raises"... I shudder to think that one would ask such of me. How greedy!) It has occured to me that your resemblance to a monkey has caused your cover to be blown in certain operations. I have since been looking into possible operations in which your appearance won't be too noticeable, and have considered a political positioning. On the issue of your transportation, I assume that the broom will be fine. It would seem to have the most advantages without having to rely on modern day travel conditions. 

I trust that you will not mind if I resume sending my missives to you through Scratch. It is much safer and easier to control than methods such as this.

Agent Goober


Nancy said...

John, I can't help but think of the Goober peanut butter and grape jelly stuff I spread onto my toast... Are you Agent Goober?
If you made this up, you have a great imagination...

John said...

I will neither confirm nor deny that as a possible secret identity...

I thank you, I had fun making it up.

Jennifer Connell said...

Nancy, what are you doing up at 2:35AM snooping around on everyone's blog? Hah! You should be an agent yourself! And John, I have NO idea what you're talking about? Heh...or maybe...