Thursday, April 30, 2009

To Please an Impulsive Nature

Greetings Gentle Readers,
It is my esteemed pleasure to have you read this small note of purely unnecessary writings. Often at times I find that I would like to write something down, for the sheer joy of writing whatever it is that I want to write. Well, Gentle Reader, you may have already assumed that this is one of those times and rightly so! Now we all know that it is never a good idea to assume anything, but I am sure in this case it is not a problem. I digress. This is one of those times, dear friend, that I want to write down something, anything, everything that comes to mind. I hope that this does not bore you, but I must say, you are the one to click the link and come to me. It is not as if I put a dirk to your neck and forced you to sit down and read this. I am positive that if I did it would not matter whether you would like what is I wrote down or not, but that you would be entirely against whatever it is that I force you to read. In the end, it would defeat the purpose of writing some thing down for the enjoyment of the reader as well as writer. I feel rather content today, and I believe that it would not take much to make this an enjoyable day. Already I find myself singing a song or even whistling, which is a rarity. I hardly ever whistle a tune. Perhaps I should? It is not something that is in may natural routine to do. I wonder if I should start a habit of whistling songs. It may even have some beneficial attributes which could cause ones spirit to be uplifted. I rarely see someone whistling a song because they are sad or depressed. It is always someone cheerful, happy, or in love! This lovey dovey business is also confusing to me. If one is in love are they supposed to moon about, "oh Fiona, I miss her so...," write poetry and listen to sappy love songs by Josh Groban? Is there a letter one gets in the mail that describes how one should act when in love? Perhaps a mentor like person comes around and says, "Treat her like a princess, buy her nice things and then when she isn't around moon over about it in front of people that will tell her so she knows that you are thinking of her..." or something like that. Either way it is all a confuddling business and I would rather it be clear and simple.

Well, today is a nice day. We have the warm sun and a nice breeze. All in all, I am content. Life could be better, but always it could be entirely a thousand multiples of worseness. Hmmm, I feel like I would like to go on an overly romanticized adventure. (That does not have a thing to do with romance)

Gentle Readers, before I go I would like to offer a peace of advice that I picked up somewhere that has to do with love. This is for the guys.

"Treat a woman like a person, then a princess then a greek goddess, then a person again."

As for girls, my suggestion is don't make him figure everything out. Sometimes we need it spelled out in huge block letters. Preferably neon colors and flashing lights. also, a little knock on the head with a wiffle bat could help.

Gentle Readers,
This is your Impulsive Author, signing out

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring break update

well, its thursday of spring break week, been a couple weeks since my last post. I have been working on a few things, a shirt I am designing. I need more stretcher bars for the screen printing. Also I am working on a story, with about a chapter done so far. here is a snippet. (funny word: snippet. haha)

"Annd as I flewe into the sunset, I saw that it wass lyke unto a walle. Annd as I flewe on the worrld apyred to notte have changd atte alle. I kontinud mye jorney until I fownd myeselffe hoveryng abuve a smalle village-towne. The townespersons kayme owt and beganne kallyng out to me. I rekognizd it as Anglo-Saxonye of origen and allowwed my shippe to flotte downe into the markit-playse. The parishe cayme owt offe the church-temple wythe a crosse in front of hym. “Peace! Peace!” I kryed owt to the townespersons surrowndyng. They kalmed down enoffe for me to explayne myeselffe to themm."

I like it so far. I have almost a full chapter out of it. Though it desperately needs more work. I think I could actually take it pretty far. Most stories I have end up not going much further than this. I think it actually has promise.

Well, thats it for now. not really anything else new in my life. well, except for play practice tonight, that should be a blast. Thankfully I don't have to wear a beard tonight! alright then, ill post up another boring part of my life sometime soon.