Friday, May 7, 2010

the RambleJack

Ramblejack: ram·ble·jack
1. A nonsense word, combined ramble and hijack to create a new word.
2. To interrupt someone else's ramble and take over
3. A blog in which I ramble about whatever I think
4. A word I made up.

As the definition pretty much sums it up, there is no need for me to go on a long and intense ramble about what it means to me and how awesome I am. That said, about less than a month ago I was on the phone with a friend. I was rambling on about something as I so often tend to do, and then all of the sudden its out of my hands and what should happen but my friend is careening out of control... With MY RAMBLE! So I told her, I says, "Don't ramblejack me!" and you know what happens... She laughs! Well, it was funny and good times and I hope that you enjoy my musings and ramblings, but please, PLEASE don't ramblejack me!

and By "Please don't", I do not mean "Please do!"... Jennifer!