Monday, September 26, 2011

Guess Who's Bug--Er... Back!

Woot! Well, The Champ is running again! This guy is still weak in the knees so he has to take it slow, but he's getting better!

Ooh, also there's a new poll over there --->
Its for me to gauge readership. Since y'all are so anti-commenting :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

He Walks

He walks.

“He walks alone.
Contemplating the various paths
he's taken.
Much like the road
he is on now,
he did not know where
they would take him.
As he walks
he begins to remember.
Failures and mistakes
that he has made,
agonizing over
each and every
His feet continue
step after step.
His mind travels
forward again,
pushing into
all the problems
that have arisen.
Some he solved,
others he slowly realizes
may never be fixed.
He walks.
He places one foot
in front of the other,
as fear grips him
of the future.
every problem,
he wonders
if there is any reason
to go on.
He struggles
within himself
over every
of his past failures.
It weighs him
like a burden.
He considers
the paths before him
in his life,
much like the road
before him.
He only sees one.
He walks. ”

This story-poem is a reflection of how I feel sometimes. If I can be vulnerable for a moment, this is how I feel most of the time. I posted it because there is a truth within the lines. When everything that weighs you down is too much... You just keep walking. You're not perfect. None of us are. If we allow every failure to stop us or even hinder us for a moment, then we will never move from the place you are in. "pressing for the mark" we must also realize that if we are ever going to make it, we are going to have to rely on God. His love and guidance will keep us in our darkest hour.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It Is What You Do

How is telling a boy he can't go, because he never listens or goes to class, discrimination? It's not racist because we picked up the rest of his siblings along with kids from different heritages. (I dislike the term race. Did you know that there is no DNA evidence of racial difference? At least none found at this stage of science) I suppose it is discrimination. Behavioral discrimination. It isn't that we don't want him to come. We really want everyone and anyone to come with us. The problem is his behavior. He is extremely difficult to deal with because he doesn't listen. He won't even look at you unless you practically force his attention. Then he won't go to his class. So finally we have to say he can't come. And we are accused of discrimination...

Is Behavioral Discrimination a thing? It should be.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Youth Zombied In Burbank Ca

Well, It's September and that means the annual Youth Alive Conference thingie in Burbank. Its two parts youth conference and one part excuse to go to a theme park! (And of course, the size differential of the parts is quite disparate depending on the individual) Anyways, I could spend hours describing all the awesomeness that transpired, but instead I give you.....

(isn't this wonderful?! You don't have to read ALL those words!)
On the road to Burbank. Trips like this indelibly etch in my mind why I do not like driving.

I didn't want to take a picture inside the area we used for having church so you will have to make do with the lobby painting.

We arrive at the Park... (get it? the PARK!... Oh nevermind.)

It was raining lightly when we first arrived but it quickly dried up.
A picture is worth... let's see... one... two... four... three... 5 words!
First ride we rode!

I really love this ride and I am really happy with how the picture turned out! Due to the rain the sky was overcast most of the day. I love overcast skies!
While most of the bellhops lend themselves to overacting and just kind of dampen the experience, this guy was awesome! Definitely had that unsettling vibe goin on. His name is "Benny" and if you see him, tell him he's famous!

The Mark Twain is an iconic part of Disneyland and makes me appreciate how Disneyland holds onto the past and yet still moves forward. The past is never something to be forgotten.
Another Disney classic. Billy Hill and the Hillbillies!!! from left to right are: Billy, Billy, and Billy! (Not shown: Billy)
What trip to the land of Disney would be complete without Star Tours and Space Mountain! Keep an eye out for REBEL SPIES! They could be anyone! They could be related to you!
Sometimes, I wish life was in 3D.
This is me on space mountain ride cam... #epicpose
Now, I blame my gun for my score! (I really do think my gun had problems cause I was shooting this one target point blank and it was not lighting up. oh well, it was fun!)
You know, Yesterday had such a grand view of Tomorrow. What happened to that Today?
Finally, we had to say goodbye. It's said that the real magic trick is when night falls and the lights come on all over the park. Whatever it is, it looks amazing.
We stopped at Porto's in the morning before we headed back home.
It's always good to finally come home. "There's no place like home" (picture was taken at the Hollywood Tower Hotel.)
I must say, I had a great time the entire trip! Getting to meet new people and old friends. Spending time hanging out and having fun. I must say, this is a stark difference then what happened LAST year... We won't go into that.

What Do You Say?

There often comes a moment, for every one of us, where we find out self asking the question: "What do you say to that?" An event or issue has arisen that can leave even the most verbose of individuals speechless. Without voice. A split-second that lasts for a lifetime. Humbling, isn't it? Finding out that we do not have all the answers. How do you respond when a dear friend tells you a secret? When they open their heart to you, and you can hear that whisper of a silent plea begging for a reassuring voice. What do you say? What cliched platitudes will you speak that wont sound hollow and meaningless? Powerful moments. Truly the most powerful moments are those when we are the most helpless. We reach out hand to comfort the shoulder, at a loss for words. A great gob stuck in your throat preventing speech even if you had something to say more meaningful than, "It will get better."   That is not to say that it won't get better. There is always hope. "Hope springs eternal," this quote is considered as a universal truth.  It rings so hollow some times. Like it isn't enough, but sometimes... 

It is enough.