Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Apologies and Excuses

I apologize for the lack of posts. I just started the 2011 fall semester as Fresno State so I am trying to get into the groove of things. You know, figure out exactly how much homework I can get out of doing. (fingers crossed for ALL of it!) Well, thank you all for your comments and encouragement to restart my blog. I hope you aren't disappointed by my infrequency of posts but I have faith you will understand.

I do want to explain why my bro is awesome. He went to a few boring little countries in Europe this summer. You know, those terribly droll England, France and Italy! [read: sarcasm]  Those places are way cool. Anywho, he stopped in Italy and picked me up something that I've been wanting for a while! It's a quill pen. Now, I don't think it technically qualifies as a quill pen because it has a nib on the tip. So that kinda cheats, but it does have a feather! Pictures will show what I mean. Anyhow, this is an amazing gift and I am extremely impressed. I was just stunned when I first saw it!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Being Who You AЯe

It is a funny thing. Who you are. How amazing that everyone is so unique. The billions of variables of your life that make up you. The countless events, major and minor, that create the tapestry of your life. I say variables. In truth there are no such things. Your DNA can predetermine what you look like, and sometimes how you are treated. Observers will over and underestimate you based simply on the certain genetic markers that wove into a strand of You. It's beautiful how intricate and complex it all is. And scientists say it happens by chance? Evolution of mankind... How exceedingly arrogant. Take twins. Identical Twins. Siamese. The closest thing you have to being identical to someone else. Yet, did one break their leg trying that one trick on the skateboard? Did the other also make the game winning shot? Events and choices that we as an individual make, and none other can do that. Not at that moment in time. These are what define who we are. We cannot change that.

I cannot change who I am. Whenever I fail, and countless times that I have, I typically wish that I could. I believe it is inherent in our nature to feel less than able. We feel inferior, because we are. "All have sinned, and fallen short..." There is no way we can change that. I digress, and I must confess. I am not as great as I claim. I know I am not. Yet I ask, why should I wallow in self-pity and depression when I can just turn it around? "Mind over matter." Right? Am I a perfect person? Don't answer that! You might be more honest than I'd like. I just do what I can. That is all anyone can do. In fact, I probably don't do my best. It's a character flaw.

I am an artist. Simply put, I like to create art. I did not say that I am good, mind you. I only see the mistakes and the fact that it rarely if ever turns out the way I want it to. As with most artists I try to express myself through my art. I draw and I write and I make and I do. All to show Who I Я. Be... Am... Whatever. I don't even know why I feel the need. It is just this crazy retarded "DUR! I AM SHOW MEH AЯT TO PEOPUL" If any of you are offended by the use of the term. I mean that I feel like my brains growth has been retarded in the sense that it never fully developed. This is where you cock your head to the side and say "Ah... That explains it. Bless his heart." You can't change You. You can only change how you are perceived. Whether it is your self or others that are doing the perceiving. God helps too, of course.

That said, my bro is the most awesomest dude in the Dude's History of Radical Dudes! seriously, the man is... I'll explain in my next post.

Till next time
I JK, awesomeness guaranteed

Question of the Post: What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Friday, August 12, 2011


Whispered shards
of words to be
Echoes of a time unseen
laughter takes
the place of sorrow
life is only the day
before tomorrow
people ask
for moments longer
spending time
like credit stronger
stronger yet
we still fall in debt
and purple skies
are a comfort set
from day to day
and today we say
what said we all another day
voices like trees
call out from the seas
calling to you

Yet another random thought to cross my addled brain. Not quite happy with it but chances are highly likely that I won't edit it.
I JK, leave you with a question. What is Contentment?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Lovely Being Clever When You're Mental

"It's lovely being clever when you're mental" - Alan Davies

photo courtesy of Sis Tracy
I've been thinking lately of a few things. No, no I was careful. I didn't hurt myself. Just a slight cranial sprain, so I'll let my brain rest for a bit before I stress it further.

Firstly, I was thinking about school. I am about to begin a new semester and I am quite impatient for it to arrive! I need the class time to work on my art. I wonder what will be the theme this time! A couple semesters ago it was robots. I wanted to practice drawing mechanical objects. Of course, I am also taking glassblowing again this semester, so woohoo! I will be creating beautiful Objets d′art ... The wonderful thing about art is that it is easy to create something that people will be amazed by. To someone who has actually done glassblowing, the amazement is not so easy to come by. The most difficult thing about glassblowing, aside from having to stand 2000 degree heat, is the frustration. One small mistake and even a seasoned glassblower could lose a piece. You can work for hours on a piece, perfecting each curve and flute, but lose it in a seconds distraction.
It's funny, I think, how there are so many metaphors (analogies?) for spiritual matters in glassblowing. Take the heat, for instance. In order to work the glass, the heat must be intense. The furnace and gloryhole (a smaller furnace used for reheating the glass while working)  are kept at about 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature must be kept this hot or else the glass wont be viscous enough to be worked. God sends us through the fire and trials so He can work on us. Making our lives beautiful vessels to the glory of our Creator. Sometimes He must cut off pieces that aren't what He wants. He will keep working on us, trying to save us. There are so many pieces of failed projects that have been thrown away. Some didn't even make it long out of the furnace. Others have cracked when they were almost finished. Yet still more have made it to the annealer, to slowly cool and be placed in the Gallery of finished works.
Well, that is one of those random things I think up now and then. Now back to your regularly scheduled sarcastic witticisms.

I need Inspiration! I've never put much stock in the notion of a muse, but I think I might need one. I want to do art and make something but I just don't seem to have that spark. That little push to get the creative juices going. Now, I can do art on my own, without any inspiration. Yet, I have to get started! I don't know where to begin. Nothing appeals to me right now. Of course, I know you're all just rolling your eyes and huffing your breath as you say "Artists!" Oh the agony of being a tortured artists soul! Woe! Okay, Enough moaning, really. I do need an inspiration though, so I will be taking resumes and interviewing possible candidates. Also, I would appreciate a Patron to commission a piece. Any requests?

Well, I need to go anticipate a huge load of mail
I JK, out

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

That Awkward First Return Post

Hey everyone, you know that part where I said I quit... Wellllllll, I didn't. Okay, I did, but now I am back. So I guess in reality it isn't much of a quit, and more of a brief pause in my posting schedule. If "brief" is relative to, oh say, a million years or some randomly chosen sequence of time. OOH LOOK! DISTRACTION!

 That's a big red barn I made out of cardboard. My sister is there to show how big it is... notice how her toes aren't sticking up! She was very conscious about that.
 Practicing for our summer skit. Yes, that is a burlap sack I am wearing as a vest, you may be jealous.
Are you back now? Good, as I was saying, I love acting! It's so fun playing different roles, yelling, laughing, and being mean to people in general who don't mind cause you are *cough* just playing a role. Heh... yeah, that's what I'm doing. "Playing, the role" ahem... Anywho, I have taken a couple acting classes at city college and let me tell you... It's not really worth it. I mean, sure you get taught on how to do stuff and practice, but what I learned is that you really have it or you don't. (If you're wondering... I don't have it) Well, truth be told there are some techniques you can learn. When pretending to sleep, let your mind drift away and when you need to wake up, pull it back in. If your mind is concentrating and actively thinking, then your eyes tend to move and you just appear to be pretending... It kind of ruins the illusion a bit. There is more to it, but that's the main idea. Certain things like that are helpful, but in the realm of Church/Easter Dramas... Not very useful. Given my extensive *cough* experience with acting... And by that, I mean the two classes of acting I took. I must compliment my church's drama program. The director does an amazing job, especially considering our cast runs about 50+ members. I would like to say names and give honor to whom honor is due, but without permission I would not want to do so. Most of you know who I am talking about anyways. In the Sunday School Skit class I am in, The World Traveling Puppeteers (We've been ALL the way to PINEDALE!), we have been working on a western style summer skit. It was going to be Wild West but we had to downsize. It is now just a Wild Farm. My role, as it has become tradition, is the bungling idiot helper. I thank my experiences running around with the Wreck Director for being able to make this role so realistic... *cough*

I would like to take this moment to request prayer for one of our members. He's been sick and we would very much like to get him back. He's an integral part of our team and it just isn't the same with him being gone on sick leave. He is doing better so please pray that God continues His healing touch.

Oh, and I would like to make a comment on planking. Those of you who read the Wakefields blog might have seen their post on Planking. This is the act of laying face down on something like... (wait for it) a plank! Now, this might be the most retarded thing ever, but with a group of friends ideas like this tend to happen and hilarity ensues. Here is our puppet crew's answer. Epic Puppet Plank. Still confused? Here is a link to their post.

Well, I hope that was interesting enough for y'all. (is it y'all, or ya'll??)
Gentle Readers,
I JK, Signing off