That's a big red barn I made out of cardboard. My sister is there to show how big it is... notice how her toes aren't sticking up! She was very conscious about that.
Practicing for our summer skit. Yes, that is a burlap sack I am wearing as a vest, you may be jealous.
Are you back now? Good, as I was saying, I love acting! It's so fun playing different roles, yelling, laughing, and being mean to people in general who don't mind cause you are *cough* just playing a role. Heh... yeah, that's what I'm doing. "Playing, the role" ahem... Anywho, I have taken a couple acting classes at city college and let me tell you... It's not really worth it. I mean, sure you get taught on how to do stuff and practice, but what I learned is that you really have it or you don't. (If you're wondering... I don't have it) Well, truth be told there are some techniques you can learn. When pretending to sleep, let your mind drift away and when you need to wake up, pull it back in. If your mind is concentrating and actively thinking, then your eyes tend to move and you just appear to be pretending... It kind of ruins the illusion a bit. There is more to it, but that's the main idea. Certain things like that are helpful, but in the realm of Church/Easter Dramas... Not very useful. Given my extensive *cough* experience with acting... And by that, I mean the two classes of acting I took. I must compliment my church's drama program. The director does an amazing job, especially considering our cast runs about 50+ members. I would like to say names and give honor to whom honor is due, but without permission I would not want to do so. Most of you know who I am talking about anyways. In the Sunday School Skit class I am in, The World Traveling Puppeteers (We've been ALL the way to PINEDALE!), we have been working on a western style summer skit. It was going to be Wild West but we had to downsize. It is now just a Wild Farm. My role, as it has become tradition, is the bungling idiot helper. I thank my experiences running around with the Wreck Director for being able to make this role so realistic... *cough* I would like to take this moment to request prayer for one of our members. He's been sick and we would very much like to get him back. He's an integral part of our team and it just isn't the same with him being gone on sick leave. He is doing better so please pray that God continues His healing touch.

Well, I hope that was interesting enough for y'all. (is it y'all, or ya'll??)
Gentle Readers,
I JK, Signing off
A burlap sack vest? You're not going all GQ on us are you?
Wow John.
I actually read what you wrote! Plus I looked at your pictures! Sounds like fun :) But I'm sure you having to act as a idiot comes natural to you not with the help of the wreck director. haha
Chloee Omega
well Marc, I have been known to start a trend or two in my day! ... Or so I like to tell myself!
And.. Kosh? (inside joke?)
I am proud of you! Reading and not just skipping to the pictures! Haha, the idiocy does come natural for me. The WD has actually been a good influence! I am less of an idiot now than I was before... (Yes, I was a huge idiot before) Now I am just a regular, average joe idiot.
yes, very self conscious about those monkey toes. Thanks to you and Leo! Urgh haha
Yay finally! You blog is up again lol:)
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