I've been thinking lately of a few things. No, no I was careful. I didn't hurt myself. Just a slight cranial sprain, so I'll let my brain rest for a bit before I stress it further.
Firstly, I was thinking about school. I am about to begin a new semester and I am quite impatient for it to arrive! I need the class time to work on my art. I wonder what will be the theme this time! A couple semesters ago it was robots. I wanted to practice drawing mechanical objects. Of course, I am also taking glassblowing again this semester, so woohoo! I will be creating beautiful Objets d′art ... The wonderful thing about art is that it is easy to create something that people will be amazed by. To someone who has actually done glassblowing, the amazement is not so easy to come by. The most difficult thing about glassblowing, aside from having to stand 2000 degree heat, is the frustration. One small mistake and even a seasoned glassblower could lose a piece. You can work for hours on a piece, perfecting each curve and flute, but lose it in a seconds distraction.

Well, that is one of those random things I think up now and then. Now back to your regularly scheduled sarcastic witticisms.
I need Inspiration! I've never put much stock in the notion of a muse, but I think I might need one. I want to do art and make something but I just don't seem to have that spark. That little push to get the creative juices going. Now, I can do art on my own, without any inspiration. Yet, I have to get started! I don't know where to begin. Nothing appeals to me right now. Of course, I know you're all just rolling your eyes and huffing your breath as you say "Artists!" Oh the agony of being a tortured artists soul! Woe! Okay, Enough moaning, really. I do need an inspiration though, so I will be taking resumes and interviewing possible candidates. Also, I would appreciate a Patron to commission a piece. Any requests?
Well, I need to go anticipate a huge load of mail
I JK, out
Maybe a mini Carlos?? haha
Not exactly what I had in mind... lol, I don't think you take this very seriously! Also, your statement is redundant... Carlos is already Miniature Sized.
Wow you really have been thinking lately! I love how you compared glassblowing to being molded by God. Very true. So (once in a lifetime for you) high five! haha
Um as for the artist thing, I still have that panda in the bamboo forest drawing you did for me at camp! My idea: create a scene! Recreate your favorite place or something! There I'm done mentoring you now haha
Chloee Omega
Thank you! *high five*
Create a scene, I like that. I will have to figure out where my favorite place is! haha! Probably Donkey Rock. hmmm...
Well, I do appreciate your mentorship! feel free to mentor anytime! :p
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