Tuesday, January 24, 2012

interim post

I was intending to post sooner than this, but I was working on a post that became longer that I thought it would be. Then I got writers block and now I am stuck... So yeah, that is where I am. I know you are waiting in frantic anticipation upon my latest post and it must be killing you I'm sure. heh

Well, a new semester of school. Another round of homework avoidance and intense not-studying. I have a couple online classes which, as strange as this might be, require more work than going to an actual class! Honestly, I am appalled. This is extremely taxing upon my ability to get by on the seat of my pants.

I leave you with this encouraging thought. People around us often say nice things and we look at them and think... "If only they knew!" but really they will never know. The truth is that None of us knows another, like the way we know ourselves. We can get bound by insecurities and failures but the real test is to push past those. To not let them get you down. Smile anyways. So be strong. Be happy. Ignore all those flaws you see. Be the person you want to be, and not the person you think to be.