Thursday, September 25, 2008


We breathe and fly and ne'er die
We live and soar o'er earthly floor
We laugh and see across the sea

and beauty is found with angels surround
and love is discovered with hearts uncovered
and we are together with souls fettered.

You are what I see
You are what sets me free
You are what touches that deepest part of me

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Goodbye Cruel World

well, goodbye cruel world. i am no longer going to think of you. your sad reality plagues me with depression. i really cant stand it anymore. so im done, i quit. no longer am i going to be sad and mopey. but im going to smile and laugh and not care about anything anymore. Really, what is wrong with this world. everywhere you turn there is another nightmare, everytime you wake up from a bad dream you wish for sleep again because its not really better. Turn the radio on and all you hear is bombs guns and lies. there really is no patriotism in America anymore, your democrat republican or worse. no one seems to care! where is the American Spirit? Where is Uncle Sam? Our culture has shifted from Country First to Me First. we feel bad we dont like what we hear? well then just plug in your ipod that you tailor made just to block out everything you dont want. including the things you need. like a sharp dose of life! look around! take that stupid hoodie off! its like a horses blinders, all you see is straight ahead. all you think is what song do i want to listen to next. all you feel is what you want. now thats a sad reality. and thats not me. Yeah i see the bad stuff, i hear the horrible stuff, and yet i will not block it out. i will accept it. because it is going to get worse. i will accept that its going to be there, i cant change that. but that doesnt mean im going to run away. no. God put me on this earth to live breath and be a witness for Him. I cant do that if all i worry about is me, and never a care about anyone else. I see the studied blank faces and i wonder. why? why cant you smile? it's sad when the only time someone smiles at you is when they like you. This is the best day, if you will only let it! the day in which you live in is the best day ever, because thats the time when you can make a difference. smile bigger, laugh harder, and live happier.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thoughts today

well, just thought i would put down some things that i think about today.

its friday, and as i was emailing a good friend of mine i invented this really cool line. its basically a rebuke for demonic spawn... ahem.

Return from whence you came thou iniquitous spawn of the eternal wretched nightmare that plagues children with growing pains and toothaches!

I thought the line was rather ingenious!

well, im at work today, i hope it doesnt turn out boring or anything. we will see. i have hockey tonight, directly following that will be a skit to practice and then i dont know what ill be doin. we will see... we will see.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Post Sept 11, 2008

This is my introduction, just thought i would explain. This is about me, my mind and imagination running its full course. I will say what i honestly feel without restraint. Do not think me egotistical or bragging, i am no great person and do not claim to be anything more than what i am. a normal human being. with faults and failures just like everyone else. just like you. so read my story, my stories, my mind.

life is full of surprises, so even though you know they're coming just let them jump out and yell to make them happy because really, no one wants a sad surprise.

I would like to take the time to mention that i am starting this on September 11. think for a minute on the lives lost and the courageous efforts of the rescue teams. Also, a genuine salute to the men and women who serve our country and have given their lives to protect it. thank you.