Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mind over Matter

Challenge yourself.
Take a momentary thought
While it may just be second
Consider all you've wrought

Wonder about your wonderings
Talk of what you've sought
For in the end you'll find
It may be nothing that you've got

Take all that is important
Gather that which is naught
Let the chaff be blown away
Only necessity be caught

Sunday, November 6, 2011

West Coast Conference is over...

Well, WCC is over now. Leaving a sense of emptiness after a week of intense work and socialization! It was lovely to meet everyone and especially those who I just met this year! I did try to take pictures with people but actually ended up talking and forgetting but I did take some! So enjoy! (also included are some from the ordinar-ordinance-ordainment-... You know, that one service!)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

West Coast Conference

Who is ready for WCC?!!!