Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ring around the Rosies, Pocket full of Posies.

Ring around the rosies... Pocket full of posies... 

  Look at all the people. Standing.
 Ignorant of everything
 except themselves,
 and apathetic to all
 but what they know.
 You would think that
 a few would step outside
 the boundaries placed for them.
 That some would be able to see
 things as they are.
 They move,
 yet they do not cross that invisible,
 intangible line.
 They look,
 but they do not see.
 What will it take?
 What will make them
 open their blind eyes
 to the truth.
 The truth around them.
 What is that truth?
 Can you not see it?
 Are you blind as well?
The truth.
It is all around you.
 Stand where I am.
 Look at what I see.
 Accept my perspective
 for your reality.
 Then you will see the truth. 
My truth. 

Watch the pretty people,
 like a nursery rhyme.
 Holding hands
 and spinning
 as the sickening haze 
of the world slowly chokes
 the life from them.
 Did you know
 we live longer now? 
From years ago
 the average life
 span has increased!
 Only to give us
 more time to perpetuate
 the expulsion of garbage.
 Destroying the world as it is.
 Such a sad thing.
 Don't you agree?
 And then.
 When all is said
 and done.
 who have played
 our part
 in pushing
 away the truth,
 will finally see it
 for what it is.
Then it will be
 too late...

Ashes, ashes... We... all... fall down...

This poem is a written response to the nursery rhyme Ring around the Rosies. It in no way reflects my thoughts or opinions and is merely a work of fiction. The idea is a man with... well, I will let you form your own opinion. Post your comment with what you think it is about. 

It began in paragraph form but I gave it to a friend of mine who changed it to poem form. I don't know if he actually changed any words but I can't tell. 

This poem is a collaboration between myself and one Mr. Jacob J. Hernandez.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The year, in summary.

Gentle Reader,

As this year comes to a close, I am considering the next. The past year is a good test for the future, as what I have learned, and haven't, will be what I take to the next. I write this to let you know, those few that read this and have an interest in my life, that I have learned a few things. One is that when I started this year I was that I was on the computer way too much. If any of you noticed, It's been rare for me to post. I have since learned to step away and do other things. Because of this, my skill in art has grown. Not by much, but it has.

I have also learned to let go. This past summer I finally let go of to something that I should have two years ago. When it finally came down to it, I realized that I didn't want to let go because, in this situation, I didn't trust God. I didn't want to let Him take care of it, and though I kept praying about it to Him I just wasn't truly letting Him take control. It seems a paradox, that I can pray to God about something without letting Him truly fix it but that is what I was doing. I was doing the right thing (praying) for the wrong reason. Because I wanted to fix it, and not letting God take care of it in His own Time. That said, wow I feel so much better!

This blog is not for me. It may be about me, but it I don't want it to be for me. What I say and do is all for the readers. I would hope that the things I say and write about will help you. Put a smile on your face, make you laugh, or just make your day go a bit better by realizing that maybe your life isn't as bad as some people! (e.g. mine!) I truly mean this when I say it is not for my glory but for God's. That is a hard thing to say and truly, truly mean. People tell me that I am talented, in writing, drawing, charming *cough*. Those talents, if true, are not mine but God's! He made me! He placed me in a family that would encourage those Gifts of His. I am amazed that he would trust such a Gift in my hands. I love drawing, and being able to make images that people admire. Yes, I feel a bit of pride at a nice drawing or painting but I have to step back and thank God. I know that He gave me these Gifts so that I could Serve Him. That is another thing I learned this year. Now to compliment a friend of mine, Kristen. I was at the Youth Alive conference thingie, in Burbank. She sang and man did she nail that song! Well, it was after that I was in a group and I complimented her singing. The first words out of her mouth was not "thank you" but rather "It's to the glory of God." (Or something to that effect, if not the exact words the gist of what she said. It's been a while!) I was impressed! What had happened was that she wasn't feeling well and her voice was messed up. Right before she got up, the group she was singing with all prayed for her voice and God moved. He obviously healed her! Her response to my compliment is what I want. That instinctual reaction to say that it is not my glory, but for Him.

Okay, I think this is the last. If any of you, especially the youth, have a problem or something comes up. LISTEN TO YOUR PASTOR. I cannot stress this enough! I have been blessed with a pastor that is a strong powerful Man of God. I do not want to get above myself or say anything untoward but I would compare him to the prophets of old and the apostles. I would be blessed to be a quarter of the man that he is. That said, your pastor is in your life to guide and teach you. My pastor has told me something I did not want to hear, but I knew that he was right. I listened, as hard as it was, and my life is the better for it. I believe I would have been in the world by now, had I not.

Well, I hope that you can take something home with this. I am by no means wise, and definitely consult your Bible and pastor before following any of the advice. That said, May God richely bless you and best wishes this holiday Season.

Don't forget the Reason for the Season. Jesus.

Post Script
This year I lost a friend. I don't like losing friends but it seems I have no choice in the matter. It was not my choice but I am sure it was my actions that caused it. Honesty... That is a difficult thing to have sometimes. I thought that I was honest to a fault, well, I was the fault was that I wasn't that honest. Even after I told them I would. Fear that they wouldn't like what I had to say kept me from telling them the truth. That has worked out stellar, you can tell. [read: sarcasm] Huh, now they will barely look at me and only give quick short answers when directly spoken to. I hate it. In my insecurity I want people to like me. This may seem odd for me to post this, as this is personal. That doesn't matter. I want my friend back. I know we will never be great friends, as our personalities just never seem to mesh. I just want them to not avoid me. I am not writing this for other people, I am writing this for them. You know how to contact me. I am not the greatest person, neither am I the greatest friend. Forgive my extreme weirdness. I am not asking us to be BFFs, I am only asking you to stop looking like you smelled a skunk when you walk by.

ah, I would explain myself to the rest of you... But really, I am who I am. Weird, eccentric and possibly a bit insane. This is me. So deal.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Inspired by a Sermon

Just a quick post, nothing special.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Don't look now... but someone just nuked my writers block!

Gentle Reader, I RETURN! Well, Ephemerally return anyways. Your humble author is staying off the computer as much as possible lately. It has cause much creating! I have screen printed two shirts, which included completing a new screen. I also learned how to hand-make paper and cards. I am currently on the computer because I am writing a story. So the creative writing juices are flowing and I have been needing to let 'em flow! I thought I would channel some of that energy into a quick blog post. Then I can get back to my latest story without delay! so on to the updating portion of this blog!

Well, I finished a semester of college... With all "A"s no less! (Not exactly sure how it happened but it happened! I have proof unbelievers!) So yeah, I am stoked about that. I finished my final painting so here's a picture of it for you to look at and say "My little bro could do that!" Of course, if you are chad... It might be particularly true. All that aside, my most major accomplishment is clean my room! well, it wasn't too bad... okay, yes it was but I never seemed to have time for it. But spring cleaning being what it is I moved some furniture around and picked a few things up and whammo it was clean! I still have my desk which is covered in papers and art supplies. How did I ever get that many supplies?? I bought some charcoal and black oil pastel to finish my wall but I haven't decided what I want to add on. My mum still wants me to do the Eiffel tower and I have yet to do it. It's amazing, take away the computer and you get so much done. I suggest everyone do it! I know, I know... What is a guy who says he is staying away from a computer doing blogging? Well, I didn't say I turned into a Luddite! I just felt like posting for the benefit of you, gentle reader. Letting you know what is going on with me... Please forgive the arrogance of assuming that you would wish to know, but I felt that if you would appreciate someone to laugh at it was only my duty to provide that. I provide you with some images of selected things I have done recently. First my final painting from my Painting class. Oil on canvas. The next image is my screen for my latest design. Then the shirts I used that screen on. Last two are sketches direct from the pad. the Woman is actually unfinished. I have worked on it since then.

I would like to say congratulations to all my friends that graduated! You guys have successfully struggled valiantly and have achieved... Aaa.... Goal? Congratulations, now back to the rat race! Well, God is on your side so trust in Him and He will take care of you.

Summer plans? Why yes, I do have them... oh you ask: "What are they?" OOOOOH!!! Heheh, I knew that!
Well, I am now considering going to Pacific coast camp next week.

In July I am staff at Donkey Rock Youth Camp. I will be a counselor for Teen week and then Pots and Pans Tech for Junior week. It should be fun! *evil laughter* *cough* um... you didn't hear that!

I do solemnly promise that I will be up to no good and will do such things that will be to cause my name to be written down in the annals of Youth Camp history as one of the most nefarious and wickedly awesomest thing done by anyone.

Welllll... that's it for now. It will be a while before I post again so please I hope the wait won't be too unbearable for you!

Until then,
Inspired Author, Signing out!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Poetry: please do not read...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am so happy
I think Im on drugs too?

Just messing with you, that's terrible! You WERE warned... *sigh* okay, if you continue reading here are some new poems. I am writing these in right now on the blog, so I don't know what it will turn out. Probably some deep dark inner workings of my consciousness, no doubt!

A labble of a giggle
It aint me whimple
For a tribble, little
I say aint life simple?

Insane you say
I laugh and cry
for my crazy brain
without I die

I have nae fiddle
And I don't mettle
so please one timmle
I can't play a quibble

Music playing
and safe is now
for seconds of my life
I can't make a sound

Think of a jibble
A ripple of a streamel
my fibble grows a stipple
when I fuddle with my stubble

It keeps me happy
A cool little creek
With water flowing
My chin is sleak

The above poem is a fun little piece I wrote. It makes me think happy thoughts which is the purpose of it. If you read that and immediately worry about my mental state... That means A) you are too serious. B) oooh look, it's a cool smiley! [get it? B) ] C) You are correct in assuming I should be under constant supervision by trained professionals. D) I just felt like adding this letter... okay, moving on!

This next poem is just some musings I have on our purpose here on earth. What we are here for and is not intended to be taken literal but more of a philosophical... muse. It's musings, so I am Musing... Philosophically! With dashes of Theology, Kaspirology, Ephemerology, and Quasi-Pseudo-Scientology.

For sanity, implies
A certain lack of thought
Into our earthly lives
And priorities we sought

For if we examine closely
Our purpose on this earth
Careers and hopes would surely
be lessened in its worth

I find myself at crossroads
Decisions to make/have made
And Worldly priorities of old
The import has begun to fade

We are not made for this
Dear world that distracts
But our minds should think of future bliss
That it currently now lacks

This one is written thinking of relationships we have that come and go. Friendships that affect us and change us, but must, at least for a while, go away to let something else in to affect and change us. C'est la vie.

Of one who means the most to me
at this time I understand
that though we had our hopes and dreams
things never go as planned

I would hope that you would think
of all the things I said
that perhaps my constant presence
could be in a thought ere in your head

Remember all I have said
I mean every word
and remember never any sad
forgetting all untoward

Lastly I must go
For This too must Pass
And quickly I know
Like a boxer's jaw of glass.

If a moments fancy strikes you
Please be sure to leave a shout
If it doesn't seem so pathetic too
This is your Poetic Author, Signing out!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bovine Timelords???

saw this at

If you don't think it's funny then this isn't for you... You know who you are, laugh out loud!

click the image to see the whole thing... also I will take this time to point out the nifty little buttons at the bottom of each post... saying "Cool" "Funny" and "Retarded". please be sure to let me know what you think if you have no time to leave a comment! :D

this is your AD-oooh shiny! Author, signing out!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random Inane Tangental Statements

Welcome back, Gentle Reader! Welcome to yet another episode where I string together written sentences to form what I hope to be an interesting post. Lets move on, shall we?

Well, Today is an interesting day. It is Wednesday, the middle of the week, and I am currently passing the time till my painting class. I said it is interesting not because it interests me, per se, but rather that it is interesting in the sense that one is forced to make a statement about something that they really don't want to say how they really feel... **"What do you think?" "OH! um... It's... definitely... interesting!"** I don't mean to say that today is a "bad" day, or to imply that there is something wrong with today. It's just Wednesday... On the plus side, there is church tonight so that should be interesting... and by interesting I mean AWESOME! "Interesting" is a really interesting word. It doesn't hold the same context as it once did, and is merely a place holder often times to avoid saying anything bad. Me? I am all for telling the boy that maybe he really shouldn't plan on being an artist one day... "Well, that's just mean" You say? Well, I suppose it is! And I am sure I was a little hasty in that remark, what I should say is... "Practice makes perfect... So you better get started!" A delightfully vague compliment that gives him hope to continue on again. Really, I doubt I could bring myself to tell the boy that his drawing of a dog looks more like a mangled boar after the vultures were done. It was just for shock value. As it is, I try to avoid saying "That's interesting" merely because it sounds so fake and polite. I do use it, but if I say it I try to make sure it is at those times that I can promise on my ancestral home of SehumMaxo!acw that I really do mean that it is interesting!

But I digress. Today is an interesting day. I am currently undergoing painters indecision. I am not sure if I want to continue with the daytime look or turn my painting into a nighttime piece? Daytime paintings are considerably easier but the nighttime look would be awesome. I only have roughly 9 more hours of class time to work on this painting, so I have to decide quick. I suppose we shall see, no? I have included in this post a picture of the painting but do remind yourself as you gaze upon it that it is only half finished. I need to also upload the finished product of my still life, not too mention the last painting I did. I will rectify those failings as soon as I can take the extra time to do so. AVAST YE! PROCRASTINATION! You may have won this time! BUT I WILL BE BACK!!! uh... heheh... ignore that, gentle readers!

Well, another reason to cause an interest in today is that I did not have to give my friend a ride to school. It is a rather funny string of events because both of our cars were in and out of The Shop, (not an actual place, I am referencing the idea of taking it to a mechanic) so we took turns giving the other a ride to school and back. This was a tennis class that he had and I would go and play even though I was not in the class. A semester later, and I wonder if the teacher even noticed I was there. Of course, there is the wonder of if he actually cared whether or not someone who was not in his class was there. Either way, I got in some fun days and such.

Well, I believe that that will be all for today Gentle Reader. I hope that you in some way found something interesting in what I have had to say. I imagine you will not hear the word "interesting" without automatically analyzing it from now on, so I do hope that that does not cause you stress.

Until the next creative surge hits!
This is Me, Signing out!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

To Please an Impulsive Nature

Greetings Gentle Readers,
It is my esteemed pleasure to have you read this small note of purely unnecessary writings. Often at times I find that I would like to write something down, for the sheer joy of writing whatever it is that I want to write. Well, Gentle Reader, you may have already assumed that this is one of those times and rightly so! Now we all know that it is never a good idea to assume anything, but I am sure in this case it is not a problem. I digress. This is one of those times, dear friend, that I want to write down something, anything, everything that comes to mind. I hope that this does not bore you, but I must say, you are the one to click the link and come to me. It is not as if I put a dirk to your neck and forced you to sit down and read this. I am positive that if I did it would not matter whether you would like what is I wrote down or not, but that you would be entirely against whatever it is that I force you to read. In the end, it would defeat the purpose of writing some thing down for the enjoyment of the reader as well as writer. I feel rather content today, and I believe that it would not take much to make this an enjoyable day. Already I find myself singing a song or even whistling, which is a rarity. I hardly ever whistle a tune. Perhaps I should? It is not something that is in may natural routine to do. I wonder if I should start a habit of whistling songs. It may even have some beneficial attributes which could cause ones spirit to be uplifted. I rarely see someone whistling a song because they are sad or depressed. It is always someone cheerful, happy, or in love! This lovey dovey business is also confusing to me. If one is in love are they supposed to moon about, "oh Fiona, I miss her so...," write poetry and listen to sappy love songs by Josh Groban? Is there a letter one gets in the mail that describes how one should act when in love? Perhaps a mentor like person comes around and says, "Treat her like a princess, buy her nice things and then when she isn't around moon over about it in front of people that will tell her so she knows that you are thinking of her..." or something like that. Either way it is all a confuddling business and I would rather it be clear and simple.

Well, today is a nice day. We have the warm sun and a nice breeze. All in all, I am content. Life could be better, but always it could be entirely a thousand multiples of worseness. Hmmm, I feel like I would like to go on an overly romanticized adventure. (That does not have a thing to do with romance)

Gentle Readers, before I go I would like to offer a peace of advice that I picked up somewhere that has to do with love. This is for the guys.

"Treat a woman like a person, then a princess then a greek goddess, then a person again."

As for girls, my suggestion is don't make him figure everything out. Sometimes we need it spelled out in huge block letters. Preferably neon colors and flashing lights. also, a little knock on the head with a wiffle bat could help.

Gentle Readers,
This is your Impulsive Author, signing out

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring break update

well, its thursday of spring break week, been a couple weeks since my last post. I have been working on a few things, a shirt I am designing. I need more stretcher bars for the screen printing. Also I am working on a story, with about a chapter done so far. here is a snippet. (funny word: snippet. haha)

"Annd as I flewe into the sunset, I saw that it wass lyke unto a walle. Annd as I flewe on the worrld apyred to notte have changd atte alle. I kontinud mye jorney until I fownd myeselffe hoveryng abuve a smalle village-towne. The townespersons kayme owt and beganne kallyng out to me. I rekognizd it as Anglo-Saxonye of origen and allowwed my shippe to flotte downe into the markit-playse. The parishe cayme owt offe the church-temple wythe a crosse in front of hym. “Peace! Peace!” I kryed owt to the townespersons surrowndyng. They kalmed down enoffe for me to explayne myeselffe to themm."

I like it so far. I have almost a full chapter out of it. Though it desperately needs more work. I think I could actually take it pretty far. Most stories I have end up not going much further than this. I think it actually has promise.

Well, thats it for now. not really anything else new in my life. well, except for play practice tonight, that should be a blast. Thankfully I don't have to wear a beard tonight! alright then, ill post up another boring part of my life sometime soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

words of encouragement

Life is like a rollercoaster... As you start out you're gonna be cringing and hating every second as it climbs the rail. But one day its gonna hold you right over the edge, let you go and you're gonna go flyin and you wont want to wait to do it again. One day your gonna fly. You just have to climb to the top.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

latest projects. part 2

well, here they are. the pictures of my paintings. im not done yet so ill post the photos of the final project within a week or so. so... you like?
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my latest projects

Well as some of you may know, I am currently taking photography as well as painting. I thought I would post these up here for yall to look at. The first two are just rough sketches from my sketchbook. the third... bottom left, is my first photo project. bonus points if you figure out what it is! and the last is my still life for my painting. ill be posting pictures of the actual painting as well.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Government at Work

a friend of mine showed me this clip of the House and Speaker Ruling: Stimulus Bill "Considered Read" More Time Denied.

The first Representative requesting more time is Republican Rep. Jerry Lewis for California. The Gentleman from Wisconsin is Democratic Rep David Obey. and lastly the third rep is Republican Rep. Tom Price of Georgia. Republican Jerry Lewis is requesting for an extension on the Debate for an extra hour, but the only person who can request is Democratic David Obey. And Tom Price is asking that though it is supposed to be available for 3 whole days before they can debate on it which has been waived. Thus making it so they must read a 1000 page document at 11 or 12 the night before.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An explanation

Dis Astrum: Latin root disaster
1580, from M.Fr. desastre (1564), from It. disastro "ill-starred," from dis- "away, without" + astro "star, planet," from Latin astrum, from Greek astron. The sense is astrological, of a calamity blamed on an unfavorable position of a planet.

To suffer a disaster is to lose one's star (dis-astrum)

and this blogs title
"In My Mind Sigh"
It is a play on sounds, taken from In my minds eye (taken to mean as i see things) and a Sigh which means "to take a deep audible breath (as in weariness or relief)" or an exhalation of breath. This can be taken to mean that i am expelling out the way i see things.

this of course... is a disaster. wan-wahhhh

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Caw the cravyn raven blacke

Caw the cravyn raven blacke
As he tryed a neu hand at the oldest tacke
But forget and forgottyn
The crowe olde facte
Thou canst mayke a Dove
Wyth whyte over blacke
- myself

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Encourage Yourself

As we go through life we all reach a point, (or several points) where we find ourselves in a dim hour. It would seem that at this moment that you just don't have the strength or willpower to keep that smile on your face. We feel pressured by others to keep that wall up and prevent them from knowing just how badly you feel. You have to be happy because they don't want to see you sad and they might be going through something so you have to be strong. You are expected to be happy. And so this wall of facial expression hides from the rest of the world everything you don't want them to see. Everything that they need to see. We, everyone of us, has a facade. A front that we put up to show the world what we think they want to see of us. but there comes a time when that facade must come down, the mask must be removed because the Jesters Farce is over. Stop for a minute and ask yourself what you are doing? Why is it so difficult to keep the mask up? because it is a mask, a cover. It prevents people from seeing the real you, which is what we all really, really want. So take a moment to talk to yourself, set down the mask and really look at yourself. You are made by God. Crafted by His loving hands and heart. The beauty you have is yours alone and a mask only hides that beauty. Do not be afraid to show the real you, allow yourself to adapt to the ever fluctuating emotions that come with life. Forever remember, we all will reach a low point, but without the low there would be no high. Without the Valley there would be no Mountain. Let someone in to see the real emotions you are facing and allow them to encourage you, and when there seems like no one is around. Encourage yourself.

For life is at times
a worrysome place
we so often find
many trials to face

but God is our Fortress
and believe we must
that He will never leave us
In Him may we trust.

For angels on high
sent to guard us low
prove every nigh
He loves us so

Friday, January 30, 2009

personal diet

well folks, it appears that my daily diet of soda has changed. no longer do i drink soda or even crave it so much as i once did. I now am drinking 100% all natural Green tea with Ginseng and Honey. But have you ever done something for so long and it becomes a habit as well as an addiction? Meh, i was addicted to the fizz from soda. not so much the sugar as the carbonation. and for the longest time that was all i drank. It was bad for my health and definitely bad for my kidneys. i could have ended in a real bad spot. while i do occasionally drink soda now and then i does not hold that same sway anymore. just thought i would let y'all know.

According to recent survey, the cause of the ever increasing number of effeminate men is due to the fact testosterone is our planets most rapidly depleting natural resource.

Monday, January 12, 2009

School is now in session... again...

well, i started school today... at 6 am. yes, I woke up at 530 am this morning! I console myself by saying that it is noon o'clock somewhere. Why is it so hard to wake up so early. you can go to bed early and still if its before 9 you are like... "WHY ME??" did i mention it's a math class?

that aside, its painting class in an hour and then a couple hours till photography class. those should be fun. its linguistics and argumentation tomorrow. argumentation sounds fun too! heh, now i need to take persuasive speaking... (world take over and domination is coming to fruition! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA*cough*aaaaahahahha...heheh... oh man i need to practice my evil laugh.)

well, thats the agenda. i really hate this but i am going to miss prayer tonight and tomorrow. it sucks but i planned my schedule last year and all. I did talk to my youth pastor and he in turn spoke with the pastor and they both said it should be fine. i need to post some pictures from my art on here... will do so in my next post.

until then

Johann Heinrich Jeffansen Kimboll, esq.