Well, Today is an interesting day. It is Wednesday, the middle of the week, and I am currently passing the time till my painting class. I said it is interesting not because it interests me, per se, but rather that it is interesting in the sense that one is forced to make a statement about something that they really don't want to say how they really feel... **"What do you think?" "OH! um... It's... definitely... interesting!"** I don't mean to say that today is a "bad" day, or to imply that there is something wrong with today. It's just Wednesday... On the plus side, there is church tonight so that should be interesting... and by interesting I mean AWESOME! "Interesting" is a really interesting word. It doesn't hold the same context as it once did, and is merely a place holder often times to avoid saying anything bad. Me? I am all for telling the boy that maybe he really shouldn't plan on being an artist one day... "Well, that's just mean" You say? Well, I suppose it is! And I am sure I was a little hasty in that remark, what I should say is... "Practice makes perfect... So you better get started!" A delightfully vague compliment that gives him hope to continue on again. Really, I doubt I could bring myself to tell the boy that his drawing of a dog looks more like a mangled boar after the vultures were done. It was just for shock value. As it is, I try to avoid saying "That's interesting" merely because it sounds so fake and polite. I do use it, but if I say it I try to make sure it is at those times that I can promise on my ancestral home of SehumMaxo!acw that I really do mean that it is interesting!

But I digress. Today is an interesting day. I am currently undergoing painters indecision. I am not sure if I want to continue with the daytime look or turn my painting into a nighttime piece? Daytime paintings are considerably easier but the nighttime look would be awesome. I only have roughly 9 more hours of class time to work on this painting, so I have to decide quick. I suppose we shall see, no? I have included in this post a picture of the painting but do remind yourself as you gaze upon it that it is only half finished. I need to also upload the finished product of my still life, not too mention the last painting I did. I will rectify those failings as soon as I can take the extra time to do so. AVAST YE! PROCRASTINATION! You may have won this time! BUT I WILL BE BACK!!! uh... heheh... ignore that, gentle readers!
Well, another reason to cause an interest in today is that I did not have to give my friend a ride to school. It is a rather funny string of events because both of our cars were in and out of The Shop, (not an actual place, I am referencing the idea of taking it to a mechanic) so we took turns giving the other a ride to school and back. This was a tennis class that he had and I would go and play even though I was not in the class. A semester later, and I wonder if the teacher even noticed I was there. Of course, there is the wonder of if he actually cared whether or not someone who was not in his class was there. Either way, I got in some fun days and such.
Well, I believe that that will be all for today Gentle Reader. I hope that you in some way found something interesting in what I have had to say. I imagine you will not hear the word "interesting" without automatically analyzing it from now on, so I do hope that that does not cause you stress.
Until the next creative surge hits!
This is Me, Signing out!
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