Monday, January 12, 2009

School is now in session... again...

well, i started school today... at 6 am. yes, I woke up at 530 am this morning! I console myself by saying that it is noon o'clock somewhere. Why is it so hard to wake up so early. you can go to bed early and still if its before 9 you are like... "WHY ME??" did i mention it's a math class?

that aside, its painting class in an hour and then a couple hours till photography class. those should be fun. its linguistics and argumentation tomorrow. argumentation sounds fun too! heh, now i need to take persuasive speaking... (world take over and domination is coming to fruition! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA*cough*aaaaahahahha...heheh... oh man i need to practice my evil laugh.)

well, thats the agenda. i really hate this but i am going to miss prayer tonight and tomorrow. it sucks but i planned my schedule last year and all. I did talk to my youth pastor and he in turn spoke with the pastor and they both said it should be fine. i need to post some pictures from my art on here... will do so in my next post.

until then

Johann Heinrich Jeffansen Kimboll, esq.


Kevin J. said...

Dude! what up? You never told me you had a blog.

John said...

sorry bro. its topsecret information... now that you know...