Gentle Reader, I RETURN! Well, Ephemerally return anyways. Your humble author is staying off the computer as much as possible lately. It has cause much creating! I have screen printed two shirts, which included completing a new screen. I also learned how to hand-make paper and cards. I am currently on the computer because I am writing a story. So the creative writing juices are flowing and I have been needing to let 'em flow! I thought I would channel some of that energy into a quick blog post. Then I can get back to my latest story without delay! so on to the updating portion of this blog!
Well, I finished a semester of college... With all "A"s no less! (Not exactly sure how it happened but it happened! I

have proof unbelievers!) So yeah, I am stoked about that. I finished my final painting so here's a picture of it for you to look at and say "My little bro could do that!" Of course, if you are chad... It might be particularly true. All that aside, my most major accomplishment is clean my room! well, it wasn't too bad... okay, yes it was but I never seemed to have time for it. But spring cleaning being what it is I moved some furniture around and picked a few things up and whammo it was clean!...er... I still have my desk which is covered in papers and art supplies. How did I ever get that many supplies?? I bought so

me charcoal and black oil pastel to finish my wall but I haven't decided what I want to add on. My mum still wants me to do the Eiffel tower and I have yet to do it. It's amazing, take away the computer and you get so much done. I suggest everyone do it! I know, I know... What is a guy who says he is staying away from a computer doing blogging? Well, I didn't say I turned into a Luddite! I just felt like posting for the benefit of you, gentle reader. Letting you know what is going on with me... Please forgive the arrogance of assuming that you would wish to know, but I felt that if you would appreciate someone to laugh at it was only my duty to provide that. I provide you with some images of selected things I have done recently. First my final painting from my Painting class. Oil on canvas. The next image is my screen for my latest design. Then the shirts I used that

screen on. Last two are sketches direct from the pad. the Woman is actually unfinished. I have worked on it since then.
I would like to say congratulations to all my friends that graduated! You guys have successfully struggled valiantly and have achieved... Aaa.... Goal? Congratulations, now back to the rat race! Well, God is on your side so trust in Him and He will take care of you.
Summer plans? Why yes, I do have them... oh you ask: "What are they?" OOOOOH!!! Heheh, I knew that!
Well, I am now considering going to Pacific coast camp next week.

In July I am staff at Donkey Rock Youth Camp. I will be a counselor for Teen week and then Pots and Pans Tech for Junior week. It should be fun! *evil laughter* *cough* um... you didn't hear that!
I do solemnly promise that I will be up to no good and will do such things that will be to cause my name to be written down in the annals of Youth Camp history as one of the most nefarious and wickedly awesomest thing done by anyone.
Welllll... that's it for now. It will be a while before I post again so please I hope the wait won't be too unbearable for you!

Until then,
Inspired Author, Signing out!