January I get to see an old friend... Which I havn't seen for 6 years. So you can say its been a while. Also I start my spring semester at city college. I will be taking Math 103 (algebra 2), Biology 3, Linguistics 11, painting (oil/acrylics), and speech 25(argumentation). looks to be a busy semester with 18 units. though I may change things around. my teus/thurs are shot.
February is pretty slim on things to do, mainly getting settled into the college groove and all. Youth Retreat will be going on that month and I deff plan on going.
March I am planning on going to Ireland! The old friend that I mentioned has decided to take over my life and signed me up for a trip. hope I get my passport in time. heh.
April... meh, boring!
May though, now the 2nd is my birthday. I turn 21 and now I legally not drink, or something. wow though, twenty-one. I remember as a kid thinking about being that old and it seemed so far away. its almost here!
June: out of school woo woo! did I mention that math class is going to be at 6 am... SLEEPING IN!!!!!
July is Youth Camp, both weeks. Apparently I am the best pots/pans guy they've ever had. How bad were those guys exactly??? but I am searching for a mega-SuperSoaker. If anyone has any idea on where to find one it would be appreciated. I havn't seen the good ones since I was a kid.
Also this summer there is supposedly going to be a couple months teaching english in Peru. I would love to do this but I don't know where I will find the time. I don't want to sacrifice going to camp, but this is more of a one time deal. we will see.
come fall I will attempt to return to school, and possibly transfer to State. *salivates at the idea*

I would like to spend 2009 single, as I have spent 2008. This year I've questioned a lot of things and learned a lot about myself. plus if I get a girlfriend I have to spend money on her, keeping me from spending it on important things like Nerf guns and SuperSoakers!
Speaking of Nerf guns, I just bought two. In addition to the one I already have. lol! The yellow pistol I already had. bought that a little while ago.