Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am so happy
I think Im on drugs too?
Just messing with you, that's terrible! You WERE warned... *sigh* okay, if you continue reading here are some new poems. I am writing these in right now on the blog, so I don't know what it will turn out. Probably some deep dark inner workings of my consciousness, no doubt!
A labble of a giggle
It aint me whimple
For a tribble, little
I say aint life simple?
Insane you say
I laugh and cry
for my crazy brain
without I die
I have nae fiddle
And I don't mettle
so please one timmle
I can't play a quibble
Music playing
and safe is now
for seconds of my life
I can't make a sound
Think of a jibble
A ripple of a streamel
my fibble grows a stipple
when I fuddle with my stubble
It keeps me happy
A cool little creek
With water flowing
My chin is sleak
The above poem is a fun little piece I wrote. It makes me think happy thoughts which is the purpose of it. If you read that and immediately worry about my mental state... That means A) you are too serious. B) oooh look, it's a cool smiley! [get it? B) ] C) You are correct in assuming I should be under constant supervision by trained professionals. D) I just felt like adding this letter... okay, moving on!
This next poem is just some musings I have on our purpose here on earth. What we are here for and is not intended to be taken literal but more of a philosophical... muse. It's musings, so I am Musing... Philosophically! With dashes of Theology, Kaspirology, Ephemerology, and Quasi-Pseudo-Scientology.
For sanity, implies
A certain lack of thought
Into our earthly lives
And priorities we sought
For if we examine closely
Our purpose on this earth
Careers and hopes would surely
be lessened in its worth
I find myself at crossroads
Decisions to make/have made
And Worldly priorities of old
The import has begun to fade
We are not made for this
Dear world that distracts
But our minds should think of future bliss
That it currently now lacks
This one is written thinking of relationships we have that come and go. Friendships that affect us and change us, but must, at least for a while, go away to let something else in to affect and change us. C'est la vie.
Of one who means the most to me
at this time I understand
that though we had our hopes and dreams
things never go as planned
I would hope that you would think
of all the things I said
that perhaps my constant presence
could be in a thought ere in your head
Remember all I have said
I mean every word
and remember never any sad
forgetting all untoward
Lastly I must go
For This too must Pass
And quickly I know
Like a boxer's jaw of glass.
If a moments fancy strikes you
Please be sure to leave a shout
If it doesn't seem so pathetic too
This is your Poetic Author, Signing out!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Bovine Timelords???

saw this at
If you don't think it's funny then this isn't for you... You know who you are, laugh out loud!
click the image to see the whole thing... also I will take this time to point out the nifty little buttons at the bottom of each post... saying "Cool" "Funny" and "Retarded". please be sure to let me know what you think if you have no time to leave a comment! :D
this is your AD-oooh shiny! Author, signing out!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Random Inane Tangental Statements
Welcome back, Gentle Reader! Welcome to yet another episode where I string together written sentences to form what I hope to be an interesting post. Lets move on, shall we?
Well, Today is an interesting day. It is Wednesday, the middle of the week, and I am currently passing the time till my painting class. I said it is interesting not because it interests me, per se, but rather that it is interesting in the sense that one is forced to make a statement about something that they really don't want to say how they really feel... **"What do you think?" "OH! um... It's... definitely... interesting!"** I don't mean to say that today is a "bad" day, or to imply that there is something wrong with today. It's just Wednesday... On the plus side, there is church tonight so that should be interesting... and by interesting I mean AWESOME! "Interesting" is a really interesting word. It doesn't hold the same context as it once did, and is merely a place holder often times to avoid saying anything bad. Me? I am all for telling the boy that maybe he really shouldn't plan on being an artist one day... "Well, that's just mean" You say? Well, I suppose it is! And I am sure I was a little hasty in that remark, what I should say is... "Practice makes perfect... So you better get started!" A delightfully vague compliment that gives him hope to continue on again. Really, I doubt I could bring myself to tell the boy that his drawing of a dog looks more like a mangled boar after the vultures were done. It was just for shock value. As it is, I try to avoid saying "That's interesting" merely because it sounds so fake and polite. I do use it, but if I say it I try to make sure it is at those times that I can promise on my ancestral home of SehumMaxo!acw that I really do mean that it is interesting!

But I digress. Today is an interesting day. I am currently undergoing painters indecision. I am not sure if I want to continue with the daytime look or turn my painting into a nighttime piece? Daytime paintings are considerably easier but the nighttime look would be awesome. I only have roughly 9 more hours of class time to work on this painting, so I have to decide quick. I suppose we shall see, no? I have included in this post a picture of the painting but do remind yourself as you gaze upon it that it is only half finished. I need to also upload the finished product of my still life, not too mention the last painting I did. I will rectify those failings as soon as I can take the extra time to do so. AVAST YE! PROCRASTINATION! You may have won this time! BUT I WILL BE BACK!!! uh... heheh... ignore that, gentle readers!
Well, another reason to cause an interest in today is that I did not have to give my friend a ride to school. It is a rather funny string of events because both of our cars were in and out of The Shop, (not an actual place, I am referencing the idea of taking it to a mechanic) so we took turns giving the other a ride to school and back. This was a tennis class that he had and I would go and play even though I was not in the class. A semester later, and I wonder if the teacher even noticed I was there. Of course, there is the wonder of if he actually cared whether or not someone who was not in his class was there. Either way, I got in some fun days and such.
Well, I believe that that will be all for today Gentle Reader. I hope that you in some way found something interesting in what I have had to say. I imagine you will not hear the word "interesting" without automatically analyzing it from now on, so I do hope that that does not cause you stress.
Until the next creative surge hits!
This is Me, Signing out!
Well, Today is an interesting day. It is Wednesday, the middle of the week, and I am currently passing the time till my painting class. I said it is interesting not because it interests me, per se, but rather that it is interesting in the sense that one is forced to make a statement about something that they really don't want to say how they really feel... **"What do you think?" "OH! um... It's... definitely... interesting!"** I don't mean to say that today is a "bad" day, or to imply that there is something wrong with today. It's just Wednesday... On the plus side, there is church tonight so that should be interesting... and by interesting I mean AWESOME! "Interesting" is a really interesting word. It doesn't hold the same context as it once did, and is merely a place holder often times to avoid saying anything bad. Me? I am all for telling the boy that maybe he really shouldn't plan on being an artist one day... "Well, that's just mean" You say? Well, I suppose it is! And I am sure I was a little hasty in that remark, what I should say is... "Practice makes perfect... So you better get started!" A delightfully vague compliment that gives him hope to continue on again. Really, I doubt I could bring myself to tell the boy that his drawing of a dog looks more like a mangled boar after the vultures were done. It was just for shock value. As it is, I try to avoid saying "That's interesting" merely because it sounds so fake and polite. I do use it, but if I say it I try to make sure it is at those times that I can promise on my ancestral home of SehumMaxo!acw that I really do mean that it is interesting!

But I digress. Today is an interesting day. I am currently undergoing painters indecision. I am not sure if I want to continue with the daytime look or turn my painting into a nighttime piece? Daytime paintings are considerably easier but the nighttime look would be awesome. I only have roughly 9 more hours of class time to work on this painting, so I have to decide quick. I suppose we shall see, no? I have included in this post a picture of the painting but do remind yourself as you gaze upon it that it is only half finished. I need to also upload the finished product of my still life, not too mention the last painting I did. I will rectify those failings as soon as I can take the extra time to do so. AVAST YE! PROCRASTINATION! You may have won this time! BUT I WILL BE BACK!!! uh... heheh... ignore that, gentle readers!
Well, another reason to cause an interest in today is that I did not have to give my friend a ride to school. It is a rather funny string of events because both of our cars were in and out of The Shop, (not an actual place, I am referencing the idea of taking it to a mechanic) so we took turns giving the other a ride to school and back. This was a tennis class that he had and I would go and play even though I was not in the class. A semester later, and I wonder if the teacher even noticed I was there. Of course, there is the wonder of if he actually cared whether or not someone who was not in his class was there. Either way, I got in some fun days and such.
Well, I believe that that will be all for today Gentle Reader. I hope that you in some way found something interesting in what I have had to say. I imagine you will not hear the word "interesting" without automatically analyzing it from now on, so I do hope that that does not cause you stress.
Until the next creative surge hits!
This is Me, Signing out!
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