So I'm sittin here...
bloggin for you out there.
just got done paintin for the day
making my bug white
whiter you could say...
It's mah buggeh, an it's a white white buggeh
Aint no buggeh whiter than mah white buggeh
an I know you hate it when i tawlk like dat
but it's how i rollin up with my fedora hat
As your sitten there...
readin my blog right here

just got done doin what you do
liking my blog right
im a writer you could say...
It's my blog and im writin right bloggin
Aint no blogger writen better 'en my white bloggin
An I know you hate to see me write like that
but its how Im rollin with my fedora hat

Sooo... anyways... sorry about that. I am super hyper right now and I am not sure why! Well, there are numerous reasons so it is hard to figure out exactly what the source of my hyperactivity. So anywho, I been painting my bug sporadically this week. On monday, I got about 33% done. Consisting of the hood and most of one of the front wheel wells. That was a trial run, and i was figuring out how much paint would be needed. Today I got my mum to take me to get some more paint. I worked on it for a bit today and got the hood done and both front wheel wells, and I started on the roof. That's where I am today. Tomorrow I will finish the rest of the paint off... Fingers crossed that it does the job! I dont want to go to get more paint! Lazy, I know. Well, plbbt! (you know what that means!(not you, you, the other you who knows the inside joke.) Anyways, the pics are from top to bottom. Mondays work, Todays work, my hand outlined on the front left wheel well, and an up close of the color difference. and lastly, I completed a screen for shirts on monday as well. I get in these creative modes! It's good times!

I'm coming over with a sharpie... :)
You wouldn't DARE!!! Oh wait, you would dare! You are a horrible person! HOOORRIBLE!!
Heh heh!
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