Saturday, March 13, 2010

OnCourse - An Apostolic Conference for Apostolic Youth

Wow, an amazing time at OnCourse this week. Due to school and all, I only attended the night services... Which were fantastic! The preaching was really great... and really hit home! The services all had something that spoke to me and even the ones that I didn't go to... Thanks Jen for informing me that I really needed to get that cd... something about "rebels praying through??" Gee, thanks! I don't have many pics because I don't have a camera. Even though my cell phone is decent at photos it still just aint the same... plus the whole data transfer is all wonky! Maybe next time I'll have a camera on hand. I do want to suggest you hit the link to for some awesome pics soon. (Not sure when those will be up though, but until then, Check it out! I had a great time meeting new people, and meeting people that I have met before! It's awesome! It's like you get the buzz of making a new friend and meeting an old friend at the same time! Those of you who met me, please comment! Just say "HI!" or something! If you didn't meet me, then go ahead and comment anyways! Some of you... I know you will anyways! *coughAnali!cough*

Well that's it for now! have a wonderful time and see yall next year! (If I catch any pics, I'll try to put them up!)


Anonymous said...

Geez, you weren't there Morning services? didn't notice, shows how important you are haha JUST kidding Johnny old boy. Just so you know the only reason i commented was because you put my name in it bhaha.
Anyways,it was nice meeting you.. kind of.. haha. I kid i kid, but yeshhh this concludes my comment for today. Seee yaaa!!
-Anali :p

(P.s why cant i put anoymous? and i don't use my aim just so ya know byyee)

John said...

Who are you again?? Maybe I should put cooler people's names on here so they would comment!

I dunno why it won't let you be anoymous... Maybe you could try to make it AnoNymous??

Jennifer Connell said...

On Course was awesome. And hey, true friends just give it to you like it is, right? You still need to get the CDs.

Anonymous said...

psht, i am the definition of COOL, so you chose right putting my name in your blog mister!
and since you didnt go to morning services you should get "can you survive the delay" by Bro.Frazier!!

hasta later

Jennifer Connell said...

Hahaha! Tell it Anali!

John said...

Dream all you want ana.. lizle??? You're dealing with the definition of AWESOME! (Which, by whatever obscure dictionary you utilize, is still better than any insignificant amount of "cool"-ness you will ever, ad infinitum, hope to obtain!)

Dis Astrum clothing line, Fidelitas et Veritas, ad infinitum.

Disclaimer: All things said, stated, and/or implied with in this comment are not intended to imply actual truth, but merely for the sake of so-called "smack talk". Any implications that I, or anything else, human or otherwise, are supremely awesome/cool, are fallacious. All Glory to King of Kings, Rock of Salvation, Jesus.

Nancy said...

You have some spaced out looks in quite a few of the pics I took last week... were you getting enough sleep? lol
I'm being nice, as in kitty cat.
And yes, Anali is a very important individual. So am I. Where is my blog on your favorite blogs list???

John said...

See that's the problem... 1) I have to like your blog in order to have it there... (family not withstanding!) 2) You have to be important. Of course, if you are going to side with someone else against me then I would say that I might not like your blog... 3) you have to be human... so 1 out of three isn't bad.

Anonymous said...

lol.... You tell him Nancy, and John don't hate just because girls are awsome, remember boys go to jupiter to get more stupiter (if that was a real word) and girls go to college to get more knowledge soo BAM take that!!

GILR POWER!!!!! :) hahah

Jennifer Connell said...

You all are looney bins.