Sunday, February 7, 2010

Drama Ministry

It may come as a surprise to you all, but I am in the Ministry... Drama ministry that is! I don't really see it as a ministry because, well, is it a ministry if you have too much fun? It's such a blast every time we meet or perform a skit. It's also touching because I am a part of something that actually touches people spiritually. Yeah, people actually come to the altars after our skits! We are up there goofing around and, thanks to the writing of Kathy Garrett -- leader extraordinaire, we turn around at the end and there are people crying. I don't take any credit because, well... I know myself to well. I know it's God using our skits, OUR SKITS, to touch lives. If God used a Donkey, then chances are highly likely that he could use me too.
          I am still getting used to the whole ministry terminology. I usually refer to it as drama class, merely because... well, I am sure most of you cant imagine me as any sort of minister. It was at the start of this year, just before actually, that Sis Garrett did a Year End Talk-Thingie... Our State of the Drama Team, as it were. It seems that we are to be more than just a skit/puppet team that goes around occasionally, but a dependable full fledged ministry! Filled with people like me!

Those poor bus kids won't know what hit them! I am mainly posting this to put up pictures. I'll bet that most people won't even read this post, but just look at the pics. They see all these words clumped up into paragraphs and it's all a bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur. Anywho, that's what I do on Sunday mornings. The photos are from the skit Christi-An's Journey Through Life's Jungle... Working title is the Jungle Skit. It is a metaphor about our walk through life, very similar to pilgrims progress.

Next up we have pictures from the shepherd play we did for Christmas. Basically, the story of The Birth as seen by the shepherds... I hope they weren't as incompetent as I was! I was the rebellious "this is a waste of time" shepherd. They never did give me my moment of epiphany where I change my ways... but maybe that's in a different play? This one was more involved, mainly because it was for the Christmas program we do at the church and was in the main sanctuary. We had to be on our best behavior!

This last picture is me adding some finishing touches to the backdrop curtain. I didn't make the curtain, I just added the trees. They are cut out and pinned. I thought they were rather nice.

Well, I thought I would post these, now I am off to think about up coming Youth Retreat! God will move! Let's celebrate what He is going to do!

All photographs within this post were taken and graciously supplied by Debby Tracy. 

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