Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Of Pride and Foolishness

"Thou art mad!"
"Truth, my friend! 'Tis my passion that drives me to this end! Surely, thou must realize I am fraught with worry for thy skin."
"Cast thy worry elsewhere for I am not frail!"
"I speak not of frailty for I know there lies within, a strength as strong as oak and a will that will not bend."
"See thou hast spoken confidently of mine own fortitude."
"Yes! but sorrow fills me as I see the storm that is yet to come."
"Storm or not I will but stand!"
"And stand you will not but fall!"
"How can thou be so faithful yet so lacking of faith?"
"For I see the future hard and fast, a fallen oak but come to rest! Thou must like the flaxen be, and bend with this future that I see!"
"I cannot bend, and I will not end. A story of what has been"
"No story there will be for I shall not tell of thee. A friend who with his pride stood tall, and how I watched him, like a wounded giant, fall."
"Thou speak of pride like it be a flaw"
"I speak of pride like it be a maw! Gaping open, waiting for thy foolish mortal soul"
"Bah! To hear you speak as if I would go knowingly to die, as if to know I die but slow wouldst thou rather I fought though?"
"Thou fool. Thou mad, mad fool."
"Be wary of who thou callest fool"
"Be wary of dulling thy sharpest tool."
"And if thy tool hast lost its use?"
"Then thou hast lost thy mind, as well as all thine sense."
"Thy wit is keen and with thee ever friend."
"Just as I am by your side, until thy glorious end."
"Thou speak of ends as if thou know of mine before it send"
"Dear friend, I know of many things, but thine end is not of them. Truth is that I know that I will simply be there when I can. My heart to catch a dagger, My lips to ward a poison, My arm to guard thine end"
"But what part shall you use to save my only friend?"
 "If thy friend shall do his job and saves thee from thine end... Then surely thou will meet that other side again."
 "I do not like the cynicism of thy mind, as if to find the dead has come to walk"
"Then fill thy mind with gladness, and end this sorrowed talk."

1 comment:

Caroline (Jane) said...

Enjoyed this very much!