Well, this post is to let y'all know that I'm quitting my blog. This has been a long time coming and it's something I've pushed off for one justificating excuse or another. I would like to thank you all for your comments and compliments. It was a pleasant surprise when I heard that I actually did good at something. As much as I love writing and showing off, this blog is too much of a distraction for me. At least at this time. I don't know if I will pick up the pen again but I believe it will be a while. There are things that must be put in order and what not before I return.
My parting words of advice: live for God with all your heart. Trust in Him and lean not in your own understanding. Seek the Mind and Will of God. Smile often, laugh frequently, and Pray consistently.
Easy words. Hard actions. Always, always do your best.
Thank you Gentle Readers.
This is me, signing off
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Congratulations 2010
Well, congratulations 2010 graduates! Welcome to the real world. Which, strangely enough resembles school a lot. You know that annoying kid that used to pick on you? Meet your new supervisor! Teachers pet? Meet the boss' pet! Yes, I know you've been waiting the past 12-15 years for this moment? (maybe even longer for *cough* some of you!) guess what! Here you are! Mission accomlished! I don't want to seem so discouraging, so I'll leave you with this... College has WAY less homework! Also, if you pick the right teacher... You may not even have to show up! Well, it's hard, it's fun, and it's everything in between. Most of all, it's your wide open field of dreams. Go trample some tulips with Bobby or Suzy or whoever that little kid that you thought had cooties, you're probably gonna marry them. Come to think of it, I never believed in cooties... *sigh* welcome to the real world, it ain't heaven but it sure beats highschool!
Humor aside, congratulations graduating class of 2010! Live, love and learn in a whole new familiar world :)
Humor aside, congratulations graduating class of 2010! Live, love and learn in a whole new familiar world :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Camp Champ: 6th grade camp with Cesar Chavez Elementary
Last month I was approached by Bro. Hernandez to help with 6th grade camp... as pots and pans washer. Now most of you know that I wash pots and pans at Donkey Rock with our church camp. That was why he approached me... He knew I'm not too bright and proved it when I said I would go! Haha, humor aside, I did have a lot of fun and it was a good time. He also had me create a design for Camp Champ and I'm kind of proud of it. It was a flow of creative energy that brought it about and it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. Starting from scratch on a design in which your only requirements are have it say "Camp Champ" and that's it isn't very easy. (Thank you Mr. Hernandez) It was disconcerting, since it was a public school everyone called him Mr. Hernandez and when I referred to him I kept accidentally calling him Bro. Hernandez. *facepalm*
Since you're just blurring through the words... here are some pictures!
Here is the design
The sketch I made when the idea hit me
Those of you wondering whats wrong with the picture... That's snow on the ground. It was gone by friday but it was there. Not something we're used to seeing, eh? The kids probably wouldn't have known what the frozen white stuff was unless we told them.
I made this picture large so you could really see it. The waterfall was just a crashing down, I could feel the mist from the distance I was at. It was beautiful!
Look! Rainbow! also, you can get an idea how far away I was. I was standing on a ledge that you can see in the bottom right corner. The mist was spraying that far.
Same picture, but its with a lomography filter. If you don't know what that is, lomography is a style of photography... Ill make a post some time about it.
The view from the Point... I know this is a common enough view for you Donkey Rock Veterans, but for those who haven't seen: here you go!
This is proof that Hernandez does actually sleep at camp...
View from the dock. I hope you enjoy the pics. CAMP IS COMING SOON!
Friday, May 7, 2010
the RambleJack
Ramblejack: ram·ble·jack
1. A nonsense word, combined ramble and hijack to create a new word.
2. To interrupt someone else's ramble and take over
3. A blog in which I ramble about whatever I think
4. A word I made up.
As the definition pretty much sums it up, there is no need for me to go on a long and intense ramble about what it means to me and how awesome I am. That said, about less than a month ago I was on the phone with a friend. I was rambling on about something as I so often tend to do, and then all of the sudden its out of my hands and what should happen but my friend is careening out of control... With MY RAMBLE! So I told her, I says, "Don't ramblejack me!" and you know what happens... She laughs! Well, it was funny and good times and I hope that you enjoy my musings and ramblings, but please, PLEASE don't ramblejack me!
and By "Please don't", I do not mean "Please do!"... Jennifer!
1. A nonsense word, combined ramble and hijack to create a new word.
2. To interrupt someone else's ramble and take over
3. A blog in which I ramble about whatever I think
4. A word I made up.
As the definition pretty much sums it up, there is no need for me to go on a long and intense ramble about what it means to me and how awesome I am. That said, about less than a month ago I was on the phone with a friend. I was rambling on about something as I so often tend to do, and then all of the sudden its out of my hands and what should happen but my friend is careening out of control... With MY RAMBLE! So I told her, I says, "Don't ramblejack me!" and you know what happens... She laughs! Well, it was funny and good times and I hope that you enjoy my musings and ramblings, but please, PLEASE don't ramblejack me!
and By "Please don't", I do not mean "Please do!"... Jennifer!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I Want Ideas (Your Participation is Required)
My birthday is coming up, and as I am sure most of you know (because I won't shut up) I am transferring to CSU Fresno this coming fall. I have received my acceptance letter and am just all anxious to GO! Anywho, that all said, I would like to do something for mysel*cough*-um... for all of those wonderful caring individuals who made my journey up to this point... Unforgettable! I am not sure what to do and would like ideas for some kind of get-together/celebration/whatever. Since I know you will do it anyways, you can go ahead and give me the most random ideas you want! Also, locations would be a help. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Chapter 1: A Story of a Life
This is a story of a guy. I hope you will read this and enjoy... Unless it gets depressing... I haven't written it yet so who knows?
Chapter 1:
"Hey there, handsome!"
She spoke cheerfully, her grin brightening up the day a million times brighter than the sun. She sat down across from me in the cafe we were in, picking up the drink I ordered her just moments before she arrived. "Hey there," I replied, "You look great! As always."
"Aw, thanks!" She said in that syrupy sweet voice. We sat there, just talking, enjoying each others company. It seemed like the day would never end, and it was almost too much. She was a beautiful girl with perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect... Everything. I couldn't imagine life without her even though I've only known her for a short time. Her laughter rang out in the building, causing some people to stare and others to just grin nostalgically into their drinks.
"Hey sweetie, get up!"
"I said... GET UP!"
I jerked awake, bending and the waist to sit straight up. My mother stood by my bed, looking down at me. "You have a test in an hour, and you better be there. Now get up!" She said as she turned away, speaking over her shoulder, "You better get something to eat!"
"I'm up mum... I'm up" Sigh... As I pushed my feet to the side and sat there for a minute. "Story of my life... It was only a dream." I slowly stepped into my clothes, pulling my shirt over my head with exaggerated motions. I always dream when I have to be somewhere, never when I can just lay back down and go back to sleep. What was her name? Fiona... Always a Fiona... Or Heidi, Mallory, Nadiya... What place was that though? Like a cafe almost but... in a theater? Looked cool. Look at the time. I'm gonna be late. Skipping breakfast again, looks like. Mum is gonna kill me! I put my jacket on and grabbed my book bag, pulling it over my head. I grabbed my hat before I left so I didn't have to comb my hair and walked out the front door. "Later mum!" I called over my shoulder as I crossed the driveway. "You need to eat something!" She called after me. "No time! Bye!"
I opened my car door, and sat inside. Time to go... Sigh... Story of my life.
End chapter 1
This is just a random story I made up just now. It is not meant to be taken for actual events... Well, my mum is always trying to get me to actually eat breakfast. I will be posting some pictures about the drama team soon. Will try to get those up as soon as possible.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I Paynten Mah Buggeh! (cause you hate it when I talk like that!)
So I'm sittin here...
bloggin for you out there.
just got done paintin for the day
making my bug white
whiter you could say...
It's mah buggeh, an it's a white white buggeh
Aint no buggeh whiter than mah white buggeh
an I know you hate it when i tawlk like dat
but it's how i rollin up with my fedora hat
As your sitten there...
readin my blog right here
just got done doin what you do
liking my blog right
im a writer you could say...
It's my blog and im writin right bloggin
Aint no blogger writen better 'en my white bloggin
An I know you hate to see me write like that
but its how Im rollin with my fedora hat

Sooo... anyways... sorry about that. I am super hyper right now and I am not sure why! Well, there are numerous reasons so it is hard to figure out exactly what the source of my hyperactivity. So anywho, I been painting my bug sporadically this week. On monday, I got about 33% done. Consisting of the hood and most of one of the front wheel wells. That was a trial run, and i was figuring out how much paint would be needed. Today I got my mum to take me to get some more paint. I worked on it for a bit today and got the hood done and both front wheel wells, and I started on the roof. That's where I am today. Tomorrow I will finish the rest of the paint off... Fingers crossed that it does the job! I dont want to go to get more paint! Lazy, I know. Well, plbbt! (you know what that means!(not you, you, the other you who knows the inside joke.) Anyways, the pics are from top to bottom. Mondays work, Todays work, my hand outlined on the front left wheel well, and an up close of the color difference. and lastly, I completed a screen for shirts on monday as well. I get in these creative modes! It's good times!
bloggin for you out there.
just got done paintin for the day
making my bug white
whiter you could say...
It's mah buggeh, an it's a white white buggeh
Aint no buggeh whiter than mah white buggeh
an I know you hate it when i tawlk like dat
but it's how i rollin up with my fedora hat
As your sitten there...
readin my blog right here

liking my blog right
im a writer you could say...
It's my blog and im writin right bloggin
Aint no blogger writen better 'en my white bloggin
An I know you hate to see me write like that
but its how Im rollin with my fedora hat

Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
OnCourse - An Apostolic Conference for Apostolic Youth
Wow, an amazing time at OnCourse this week. Due to school and all, I only attended the night services... Which were fantastic! The preaching was really great... and really hit home! The services all had something that spoke to me and even the ones that I didn't go to... Thanks Jen for informing me that I really needed to get that cd... something about "rebels praying through??" Gee, thanks! I don't have many pics because I don't have a camera. Even though my cell phone is decent at photos it still just aint the same... plus the whole data transfer is all wonky! Maybe next time I'll have a camera on hand. I do want to suggest you hit the link to jen-elise.blogspot.com for some awesome pics soon. (Not sure when those will be up though, but until then, Check it out! I had a great time meeting new people, and meeting people that I have met before! It's awesome! It's like you get the buzz of making a new friend and meeting an old friend at the same time! Those of you who met me, please comment! Just say "HI!" or something! If you didn't meet me, then go ahead and comment anyways! Some of you... I know you will anyways! *coughAnali!cough*

Well that's it for now! have a wonderful time and see yall next year! (If I catch any pics, I'll try to put them up!)

Well that's it for now! have a wonderful time and see yall next year! (If I catch any pics, I'll try to put them up!)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Drama Ministry

I am still getting used to the whole ministry terminology. I usually refer to it as drama class, merely because... well, I am sure most of you cant imagine me as any sort of minister. It was at the start of this year, just before actually, that Sis Garrett did a Year End Talk-Thingie... Our State of the Drama Team, as it were. It seems that we are to be more than just a skit/puppet team that goes around occasionally, but a dependable full fledged ministry! Filled with people like me!
Those poor bus kids won't know what hit them! I am mainly posting this to put up pictures. I'll bet that most people won't even read this post, but just look at the pics. They see all these words clumped up into paragraphs and it's all a bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur. Anywho, that's what I do on Sunday mornings. The photos are from the skit Christi-An's Journey Through Life's Jungle... Working title is the Jungle Skit. It is a metaphor about our walk through life, very similar to pilgrims progress.
Next up we have pictures from the shepherd play we did for Christmas. Basically, the story of The Birth as seen by the shepherds... I hope they weren't as incompetent as I was! I was the rebellious "this is a waste of time" shepherd. They never did give me my moment of epiphany where I change my ways... but maybe that's in a different play? This one was more involved, mainly because it was for the Christmas program we do at the church and was in the main sanctuary. We had to be on our best behavior!
This last picture is me adding some finishing touches to the backdrop curtain. I didn't make the curtain, I just added the trees. They are cut out and pinned. I thought they were rather nice.
Well, I thought I would post these, now I am off to think about up coming Youth Retreat! God will move! Let's celebrate what He is going to do!
All photographs within this post were taken and graciously supplied by Debby Tracy.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Your Thoughts?
Everyone has thoughts. Everyone thinks... most of the time anyways. What I am getting that is that while I am thinking, approximately 6 billion other people are probably thinking as well. Half of them might be sleeping and performing a subconscious form of thinking in which the eyes rapidly move while the mind rapidly develops an almost real environment in which hidden fears, hopes, and what was for dinner play a part in creating.
If I step
out of
my mind,
then I might
Step into yours.
We can, we may
Think together as one,
but only if we believe the same.
The same.
Our lives are different,
yet our thoughts can be similar.
I would that I could find someone.
Who would find the courage
To take the
of faith,
and step
into me.
Who I am,
and think my thoughts.
If I step
out of
my mind,
then I might
Step into yours.
We can, we may
Think together as one,
but only if we believe the same.
The same.
Our lives are different,
yet our thoughts can be similar.
I would that I could find someone.
Who would find the courage
To take the
of faith,
and step
into me.
Who I am,
and think my thoughts.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Just me
I am crazy
I have problems
I smell really funny
I look like a goblin
My art work is horrid
Like my few strands of hair
When I walk by
All the children run in fear
I have no talent
I have no money
My ears and teeth
Are like a bunny's
No one cares for me
And they never will
I have less friends
Than a window sill
As you can see
I cannot write well
I'm not very brilliant
I have few brain cells
The world would be
A better place
If I was flung
Into outer space
The End
P.S. Sympathy cards welcome. I need all the sympathy I can get.
John Henry Jefferson Kimbley
I have problems
I smell really funny
I look like a goblin
My art work is horrid
Like my few strands of hair
When I walk by
All the children run in fear
I have no talent
I have no money
My ears and teeth
Are like a bunny's
No one cares for me
And they never will
I have less friends
Than a window sill
As you can see
I cannot write well
I'm not very brilliant
I have few brain cells
The world would be
A better place
If I was flung
Into outer space
The End
P.S. Sympathy cards welcome. I need all the sympathy I can get.
John Henry Jefferson Kimbley
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Agent Sparrow,
I find it amusing that you would request such a specific way of communication. The point of a blog is for an individual to express his opinions to the masses invading the interwebs. You would turn that idea on its head for the sole purpose of personal enjoyment? I find this weird. Very weird. Almost as weird as yourself, though not quite. It's not that weird. It may come as a surprise to you, and it certainly is strange for me to say it, but you are my Number 1 Agent. Of course, you are my only agent in the field so the competition is limited, as it were. I do, however, have a long list of agents in reserve duty available on call should you have issues... (like those nasty "raises"... I shudder to think that one would ask such of me. How greedy!) It has occured to me that your resemblance to a monkey has caused your cover to be blown in certain operations. I have since been looking into possible operations in which your appearance won't be too noticeable, and have considered a political positioning. On the issue of your transportation, I assume that the broom will be fine. It would seem to have the most advantages without having to rely on modern day travel conditions.
I trust that you will not mind if I resume sending my missives to you through Scratch. It is much safer and easier to control than methods such as this.
Agent Goober
Agent Sparrow,
I find it amusing that you would request such a specific way of communication. The point of a blog is for an individual to express his opinions to the masses invading the interwebs. You would turn that idea on its head for the sole purpose of personal enjoyment? I find this weird. Very weird. Almost as weird as yourself, though not quite. It's not that weird. It may come as a surprise to you, and it certainly is strange for me to say it, but you are my Number 1 Agent. Of course, you are my only agent in the field so the competition is limited, as it were. I do, however, have a long list of agents in reserve duty available on call should you have issues... (like those nasty "raises"... I shudder to think that one would ask such of me. How greedy!) It has occured to me that your resemblance to a monkey has caused your cover to be blown in certain operations. I have since been looking into possible operations in which your appearance won't be too noticeable, and have considered a political positioning. On the issue of your transportation, I assume that the broom will be fine. It would seem to have the most advantages without having to rely on modern day travel conditions.
I trust that you will not mind if I resume sending my missives to you through Scratch. It is much safer and easier to control than methods such as this.
Agent Goober
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